10 puppies by IntCh NordCh FiCh, SeVCh, KLBCh KLBV09 and DKK09 Inanda Mellberg Edelrood ex SeVCh Rekaylah Amber
COI 0.2% (5 generations)
4 correct dog puppies (1 stillborn) and 1 ridgeless dog puppy. 5 correct bitches (1 with DS)
1 bitch was put down at 14 months because of an inoperable ectopic ureter. 1 bitch and 1 dog developed thyroid issues as adults.
Name Sold to
Otto JV of Ersted Denmark, then back to IMK
Albert JV of Ersted Vargön
Arnd JV of Ersted (Hunter) The UK
Carl JV of Ersted Varberg
Ellise JV of Ersted (Alice) Flyinge
Laura JV of Ersted (Africa) Öland
Olga JV of Ersted Skåne
Polly JV of Ersted (Stella) Skåne